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Forum Yugioh France > Decks : Construction et évaluation > LaDD/Herald

Ecrit par: Skate Dimanche 24 Février 2008 23h33
monstres :

2 Light And Darkness Dragon
1 Dark Magician of Chaos
2 Destiny Hero Plasma

3 Herald of Creation
2 Spell Striker
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
2 Destiny Hero Fear Monger
1 Destiny Hero Disc Guy
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Marshmallon
1 Card Trooper
1 D.D. Crow
1 Sangan

magies :

3 Trade In
1 Destiny Draw
2 Enemy Controller
2 Foolish Burial
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Premature Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Brain Control
1 Scapegoat
1 Monster Reborn

pièges :

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Transmigracion Prophecy
1 Trap Dustshoot

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